Burn With Me is On Fire!

I read it three times. Yes I said three. The first time, I was just so enthralled by the whole story that I devoured it and never paused. Then I had to think about it for a bit. Walk away if you will, because it was so much to take in and I just knew that I loved it. Can’t just write a review that says: I loved it! So after a while I picked it up again for a second read through. Once again, I was just engrossed and before I knew it, I was done.
Reviewer FAIL!
So for the third time I picked it up. This time I stopped and made notes whenever something occurred to me. Like the fact that I felt like I could actually hear Penn (Aziza’s Aunt) talking to me in a posh English accent. I heard it in my head clear as day. Oh and let’s pause for a little cover love! It portrays Aziza perfectly right down to the outfit and the hoop she is sitting in. (Have to read the book to get the reference. No spoilers here.)
This is the first in a brand new series, so we are learning about a whole new world. I love that Ms. Alexander parcels out the information in such a way that we don’t get overwhelmed or bored. It’s always crucial to the story at that time. Of course this means I spent much of the story trying to figure out what “this” meant or guess what “that” signified. Sometimes I was right, and sometimes I was WAY off base. This just adds to the pleasure of my reading the story. We are introduced to new races and magic is the order of the day.
Let’s talk about the heroes! Cause in my eyes, there are three potentials and it is not carved in stone who will ultimately end up with the delightfully impetuous Aziza Jane.
First off we have Gregory Prophet. How great is that name? That’s a hero’s name if I ever heard one. Childhood friend of Aziza, he knows all her moods and emotions. Slightly geeky in a hot, blond god way, he is humorous and protective. Did I mention hot? I am not sure I like the way poor Greg is used and abused in this book. He and Aziza share the same birthday and make a game out of dueling birthday parties. I kind of love Greg!
Next we have Brandon. The “giant, sexy harbinger of doom who keeps stalking me”. At least that is how he is described by Aziza herself early on in the book. I think this big, sexy man hunk is by far my favorite of the three. He knows he shouldn’t want Aziza but he just can’t seem to help himself. He’s supposed to be arresting her, but instead he…well, you’ll have to read to find out.
Last we have Ram, the sexy Jinn who is supposed to be her protector so to speak. He is playful and mischievous, all while being a smoking hot case of walking sex on a stick. Aziza tries to stay away from him but can’t seem to help herself where Ram is concerned. I am not Team Ram. Not at all.
So we have hot guys, non-stop action, prophecies, secret races, murders and a whole lotta magic. I was taken on a wild ride with this book. It is steamy hot and kept me on the edge of my seat, all at the same time. I have so many questions and theories. (Not going to tell them to you because well, you have to READ THE BOOK.) I am dying to know what happens next. By the time I was done reading, I felt like I had been put through the ringer. It just blew me away. If you get the chance to read this book, jump on it.
One last thought: I want to know if St. Dunstans in the East is real. I would LOVE to visit that place. It sounds magical.