Love Books! Book Reviews

I love to read books of all kinds! Reading is my passion.

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New Book Alert

The Latest by Lori King!

Written in the Stars - Patricia Rosemoor, Sherill Bodine I have to say, I hesitated when offered this book for review. I don’t read many historicals anymore. There is nothing wrong with them, I just got burnt out on them for a while and now they just aren’t my first choice in the romance genre. However, this story and the premise sounded so intriguing that I couldn’t pass up the chance. I am so glad I didn’t. This book is right up there with the top books I have read this summer.

In the first story, we have the story of Elizabeth and Will. A true fated romance, this story had it all. The supporting characters were all so well drawn that I was engrossed in the story from the first page. Poor Elizabeth and Will both tried so hard to do the right thing. They fought their attraction to each other and a dark evil that threatened the entire castle. Oh that Carlyle made me so mad. He made me feel stabby! As in I wanted to stab him. More than once. Like a lot. So, kudos to the authors for drawing me so deeply into the story, if I had been a character I would have committed murder.

The second book was a little more convoluted by the fact that unlike in the first story, there was no clear cut villain. We, the reader, of course know who the villain is. Well, ok, I knew who the villain was. I mean it is a little up in the air, but I knew as soon as there was talk of…let’s just say black magic in order to avoid spoilers…immediately who was shaping up to be the villain. In the second book the romance seemed to take a back seat to the intrigue. There was definitely excitement and danger that kept me flipping the pages and staying up way too late to finish reading the book. I also developed a serious desire to learn how to scuba dive.

Anyway, the book as a whole was just a treat to read. With history, mystery, romance and evil curses this book has something for everyone. It will suck you in and you’ll have a hard time putting it down until you figure it all out. I am totally ranking this as one of my top summer reads. You should definitely go out and get this book.
For Love or Vengeance - Caridad Piñeiro My Review:
3.5 Stars

I always love a good story that has some mythology and gods to it. In this one we get to see a little known goddess, Nemesis, daughter of Hera and Zeus. In this version, Zeus is just as nasty as the myths would have us believe. Rape and lies to get what he wants. This is the first version I’ve seen where Hera wasn’t depicted as a petty, vindictive shrew and that was a nice surprise. There are other supernatural creatures in this and we get to meet a couple. The mystery was solid and the romance was well played out.

The serial killer angle was under-explored, I felt. We had a brief glimpse into his twisted psyche and that was all. A couple other glances during the ongoing search for the serial killer would have fleshed it out nicely I think. Also it was mentioned several times that the helper to the killer had some evil energy emanating from him. Then nothing was ever done with it or explained further so I was left mildly confused by that.

This book is the first in a series that is a spin-off of a previous series written by Ms. Pineiro. There is mention of other characters that I am sure if I had read the previous series, I might know who they were. Also other mentions of other immortals but not many details are given. I felt like I might have been missing something. I would not recommend this book as a standalone.

That said, I still enjoyed the book and the romance between Helene and Miguel was wonderful. I love how you could see her change as she fell more in love with him. Slowly you could feel him healing from his past experiences. I really loved the progression of their story. This is the first book I have read by Ms. Pineiro and not the last. I will be interested to go back and read the series that comes before this one.
Secrets and Sins:  Malachim - Naima Simone 4.5 Stars

The story began with an intense scene that set the stage for the rest of the story. This book was wonderfully executed and had me guessing the whole time. Sure there were certain things I could see coming, but I was never really sure until they happened. The damaged heroine meets an equally damaged hero and that made the story so much better to read. They each had demons of the past they were fighting and after meeting each other they were able to fight those demons together.

Going in, I didn’t realize this book was the second in a series of four. Guess what? I never felt confused, or like I should know the meaning behind this or that. It can most definitely be read as a standalone and you won’t feel deprived. Of course now I would love to go back and read the first in the series. Also there was a nice little teaser of the next book and it was about the character that intrigued me the most. So I am interested in reading that one when it releases. This means, I believe that Ms. Simone has done her job and done it with panache. I want more of her writing, more of her books.

Mystery, intrigue, suspense and smoking hot romance: This is my favorite kind of book. So many of them now days fall short by focusing too much on the romance angle. Not this book. As the mystery unfolded we also got to see a romance bloom under difficult circumstances. I can’t express how much of a treat it was to read. The building anticipation of what you are sure is coming was drawn out perfectly. Not too much revealed and just enough to keep you riveted to the story. That is the perfect romantic suspense, in my book and Ms. Simone does the job wonderfully.
Dangerous Desire - Annie Seaton My Review
4 Stars

I really enjoyed the setting in this story. I think I need to read more books set in Australia. I love the idea of this nice sweet school teacher doing whatever it takes to help her sister. This book was a suspenseful romance that kept my interest from the first page. Of course I think maybe Gracie was just a bit naïve but that just added to her charm. This is because while she was naïve and not a little bit impetuous, she wasn’t stupid. There were a couple instances where I wanted to smack some sense into her but really, isn’t that what makes a great story? The way you can connect with the characters and imagine them your friends or yourself in their place?

Ms. Seaton did a wonderful job of setting the stage for the plot in this novel. I was drawn in and read with bated breath. Was her sister alive? Was she in on it all? What exactly was going on? I just had to keep reading to try and figure out some of the answers. I like to try and figure stuff out before it happens so I can be all: “Ha! I was RIGHT!” *g* Well in this book, sometimes I got it right and sometimes not. That’s ok cause the fun is in the trying and I love being surprised when I am wrong. So the writing was great, kept my interest throughout. The characters were interesting and the mystery was tight. You were never really sure what was going on or who to trust.

So go pick this book up if you are in the mood for a fast paced mystery complete with a steamy hot romance. Can I just say how much I love the Entangled Ignite imprint? I love romance and all its many genres but Romantic Suspense has always been my favorite and my go to whenever I am undecided what to read or need to take my mind off things. I look forward to reading and reviewing many more Ignite books in the future.
CHAOS (Kardia Chronicles, #1) - Christine O'Neil Where do I even start? I loved this book. I was so eager to get my hands on it and when I did I was so happy. I am a freak for anything containing Mythology. So I eagerly dove into this book all while hoping I wouldn’t be disappointed like I have been so many times in the past. It started out kind of slow. We got to know Maggie and her two besties. Got a little of the family dynamic and knew something major had happened between Maggie and her ex-boyfriend that put him in a coma.

So this book was just a kick to read! I mean, we’re up, we’re down, we don’t know where it’s going next. I know there are secrets that her Mom is keeping and hope we get to learn more in the next book. Meanwhile we get to swoon over Mac and his hottie Irish accent. Heck yeah. The chemistry between Maggie and Mac was intense. I wanted to kick him in the arse several times, but hey, what good hero isn’t just a little maddening too. I almost cried during the one part, it was that intense.

Then there’s that baddie. Ugh! He made my skin crawl. I just knew there was something off about him. I have some theories on what went on with the council, but not gonna say anymore because, hello? Spoiler? Not here. So let’s recap: The book was intense and kept my interest. The hero and heroine had the requisite chemistry and made you want to strangle them multiple times. The bad guy was an idiot and, yay, got his in the end. There was enough of a resolution that there wasn’t a cliffhanger, but plenty unanswered questions to bring you back for the next book. Yup. Christine O’Neil did a righteous job of writing a kick a$$ book.

Here’s the one thing that bugged me. The cover. I really liked it. I had mad cover love long before I ever got to read the book. Once I did read the book though, the Maggie on the cover just doesn’t match the Maggie in the book. I still love the cover, but the more I got to know Maggie, the more the cover bugged me. *shrugs* Still a great cover and a super book. I really think you should hop right out and grab it to read.
Everlast (The Chronicles of Nerissette, #1) - Andria Buchanan From the moment I read the description of this book I was excited to read it. I am a huge lover of the fairytales and this version where a girl finds herself trapped in another world where she is princess and the girl who tormented her is her maid was too good to pass up. I have to say, it didn’t quite turn out the way I expected. It was a quite journey for all the characters both literally and figuratively.

Ms. Buchanan did a stupendous showing us this new world. The descriptions and characters reactions kept me riveted. We meet many interesting creatures, both the stuff of dreams and nightmares. Bottom line, it was just a plain interesting story to read. The world building isn’t overwhelming. I was never bored as the story unfolded. Finding out why Allie and her friends were brought to Neris and the prophecies that were foretold was so cool. I kept turning the pages, excited to see what was going to happen next and where the journey would take them.

Of course, I was always rooting for Allie, Mercedes, Rhys and Winston. They are all good people, right down to their soul and they prove it in a myriad of ways throughout the story. There is of course the romance angle, but that never took over the story. I really disliked the Fate Maker and the more we learned of Allie’s history, the more I hated him. I am eager to how what we learned in this book impacts her in the future installments.

The story as it is revealed in this, the first in the series of The Chronicles of Nerissette is pretty much solved by the end of the book. For now. There isn’t a major cliffhanger, but you know there is more to come. The epilogue, instead of tying things up in a neat bow, hints at the story to come and left me wanting more! I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the trilogy: Evanescent It will be interesting to see what happens next.

Made me cry! A LOT!

Destined to Succeed - Lisa M Harley

I innocently started reading this book while working out at the gym. I had read the first book in the series, Destined to Change, and liked it enough to pick up this installment. I remember that I didn't much like Cade in the first book. He came off as cocky and kind of a jerk at first. So I started DTS without any expectations. I knew I would like it because I like the last one. I had no idea how much I would like, no, love it. I had no idea that it would absolutely wreck me. This led to me trying (and failing) to hold back tears as I worked out on the treadmill/evil-lyptical/arc/bike. Lesson learned.


In this, the second book in the series, I was curious to see how the author would redeem Cade in the reader's eyes. I already knew he was walking sex on a stick. Other than that, he left a somewhat unimpressive impression on me. Well, it didn't take long for this book to improve it. I fell in love with Cade and I fell hard. It was clear to see how much he loved Suzy and suddenly all sorts of things from DTC made sense. That poor guy was just looking for someone to love.


In this book he had it, lost it, had it again (with someone else) lost it you see where this is going? Oh Cade and Suzy! Impetuous youth and raging hormones don;t mix. Thanks to a serious misunderstanding, they didn't take their relationship to the next level. Oh man! I wanted to take them both and shake them. they belonged together and everyone could see it but them and their evil counterparts. Yes, I said evil!


Commence Spoiler Alert!


Crying episode number one: Cade's dog dies. Yeah, I am a sap, but that just got me! Right in the heart! And before I knew it I had tears in my eyes, fighting not to let them fall. *deep breathes*


Crying episode 2: Cade's parents die. I knew it was coming because I knew they weren't around anymore. But jeez! Why on earth did you have to make us fall in love with them first, Ms. Harley? WHY!?


Crying episode 3: Branch beats the ever loving daylights out of Suzy. In front of the kid. Enough said.


From the moment Branch appeared on the scene I hated him! Yes, I say HATED! Gah! he made my skin crawl. I wanted to take Suzy and shake her more than once for being vulnerable enough to fall for his bullshit! I knew Cade and Suzy belonged together. There was never a time that Branch/Suzy ever felt right. Never.


As for that psycho bitch Anna? GOD! She made me see red. I hated her as much as I hated Branch. The only thing about this book I didn't like is that she didn't end up lying in a pool of her own blood! Yeah, I am a blood thirsty bitch. No punishment the law can come up with would be good enough. Did I mention I hated her? I can't believe that we didn't get to see her suffer more for all the bad shit she did? And even though she "blanked" that bastard "Blank" I was still not happy with her ending. (Hahaha! I didn;t give you all the juicy bits, you still have to read)


There were more crying episodes,but I don't wanna spoil the whole dang book for you. It really is worth the read and I haven't given away the whole book. It is intesne and Ms. Harvey can write the hell out of some emotional shit! The rollercoaster ride we ride in this book is insane. Up one minute down the next, and you never know when the next twist or loop is going to pop up.


Just to leave us wanting more, we are treated to the Prologue for the upcoming installment: Destined to Forgive. I want to read it! Like now. You guys know how I have an issue with waiting. *sigh* I am dying to know how Eric deals with the aftermath of...well, if you haven't read Destined to Change then not gonna tell you! Go read Destined to Change and Destined to Succeed, then suffer with me while we wait to read Destined to Forgive.


See, I am not a total spoiler whore. *G*

Destined to Succeed (Destined, #2) - Lisa M. Harley I innocently started reading this book while working out at the gym. I had read the first book in the series, Destined to Change, and liked it enough to pick up this installment. I remember that I didn't much like Cade in the first book. He came off as cocky and kind of a jerk at first. So I started DTS without any expectations. I knew I would like it because I like the last one. I had no idea how much I would like, no, love it. I had no idea that it would absolutely wreck me. This led to me trying (and failing) to hold back tears as I worked out on the treadmill/evil-lyptical/arc/bike. Lesson learned.

In this, the second book in the series, I was curious to see how the author would redeem Cade in the reader's eyes. I already knew he was walking sex on a stick. Other than that, he left a somewhat unimpressive impression on me. Well, it didn't take long for this book to improve it. I fell in love with Cade and I fell hard. It was clear to see how much he loved Suzy and suddenly all sorts of things from DTC made sense. That poor guy was just looking for someone to love.

In this book he had it, lost it, had it again (with someone else) lost it you see where this is going? Oh Cade and Suzy! Impetuous youth and raging hormones don;t mix. Thanks to a serious misunderstanding, they didn't take their relationship to the next level. Oh man! I wanted to take them both and shake them. they belonged together and everyone could see it but them and their evil counterparts. Yes, I said evil!

Commence Spoiler Alert!

Crying episode number one: Cade's dog dies. Yeah, I am a sap, but that just got me! Right in the heart! And before I knew it I had tears in my eyes, fighting not to let them fall. *deep breathes*

Crying episode 2: Cade's parents die. I knew it was coming because I knew they weren't around anymore. But jeez! Why on earth did you have to make us fall in love with them first, Ms. Harley? WHY!?

Crying episode 3: Branch beats the ever loving daylights out of Suzy. In front of the kid. Enough said.

From the moment Branch appeared on the scene I hated him! Yes, I say HATED! Gah! he made my skin crawl. I wanted to take Suzy and shake her more than once for being vulnerable enough to fall for his bullshit! I knew Cade and Suzy belonged together. There was never a time that Branch/Suzy ever felt right. Never.

As for that psycho bitch Anna? GOD! She made me see red. I hated her as much as I hated Branch. The only thing about this book I didn't like is that she didn't end up lying in a pool of her own blood! Yeah, I am a blood thirsty bitch. No punishment the law can come up with would be good enough. Did I mention I hated her? I can't believe that we didn't get to see her suffer more for all the bad shit she did? And even though she "blanked" that bastard "Blank" I was still not happy with her ending. (Hahaha! I didn;t give you all the juicy bits, you still have to read)

There were more crying episodes,but I don't wanna spoil the whole dang book for you. It really is worth the read and I haven't given away the whole book. It is intesne and Ms. Harvey can write the hell out of some emotional shit! The rollercoaster ride we ride in this book is insane. Up one minute down the next, and you never know when the next twist or loop is going to pop up.

Just to leave us wanting more, we are treated to the Prologue for the upcoming installment: Destined to Forgive. I want to read it! Like now. You guys know how I have an issue with waiting. *sigh* I am dying to know how Eric deals with the aftermath of...well, if you haven't read Destined to Change then not gonna tell you! Go read Destined to Change and Destined to Succeed, then suffer with me while we wait to read Destined to Forgive.

See, I am not a total spoiler whore. *G*

I am wrecked.

Destined to Succeed - Lisa M Harley

I'm only 54% of the way into this book and I have already cried three times. Since I have only been reading it while working out at the gym, those three times were twice on the treadmill and once on the Evil-lyptical. I am pretty sure that they think I am nuts there. This is not my first "reading/weird reaction" incident there. *G*


I am in love with Cade and I can say that the cheating hasn't bothered me at all. in my mind, Suzy IS Cade's. I hate that douche bag Branch and would like to cut off his balls.


That's all for now.

HIS: I'll take them all!

His - Stacey Espino, Doris O'Connor, Shyla Colt, Lila Shaw

A whole book filled with stories about dominating Alpha males and published by one of my favorite publishers!? Heck yeah! I am so in. It’s been awhile since I had the chance to review a book out of Evernight Publishing so I was excited to get the email about this one! I have never, ever been disappointed by a book published there.

So right off the bat this book has some of my favorite authors. But as tempted as I was to pick and choose, I just started at story one and read straight through. Over all, this is a steamy hot anthology with a little bit of something for everyone: Billionaires, Mobsters, shifters, secret identities, angels, and professors, to name a few. This book was a pleasure to read and I loved the variety.


For me, the hottest stories were: The Proposal by Doris O’Connor, Owning Desire by Nikki Prince and Virgin Unbound by Persephone Jones


The ones that were most interesting to me: The Mobster’s Promise by Sandra Bunino, A Whisper of Silk by London Saint James, and The Billionaire’s Florist by Stacey Espino


The ones that had virgins: Seduced by the Millionaires by Shyla Colt, Virgin Territory by Eve Meridian, Angels Incorporated by Katalyn Sage and also the aforementioned Virgin Unbound & Whisper of Silk


That’s not to say they weren’t all great. In fact there wasn’t a single story in this anthology that I didn’t like. The writing was tight and I never felt deprived with the short stories.  There was variety, spice, mystery and humor. There’s definitely something for everyone in this book. I urge you to pick up this anthology to scratch that hot, alpha, male itch *g*

Burn With Me is On Fire!

Burn with Me - R.G. Alexander
I read it three times. Yes I said three. The first time, I was just so enthralled by the whole story that I devoured it and never paused. Then I had to think about it for a bit. Walk away if you will, because it was so much to take in and I just knew that I loved it. Can’t just write a review that says: I loved it! So after a while I picked it up again for a second read through. Once again, I was just engrossed and before I knew it, I was done.
Reviewer FAIL!
So for the third time I picked it up. This time I stopped and made notes whenever something occurred to me. Like the fact that I felt like I could actually hear Penn (Aziza’s Aunt) talking to me in a posh English accent. I heard it in my head clear as day. Oh and let’s pause for a little cover love! It portrays Aziza perfectly right down to the outfit and the hoop she is sitting in. (Have to read the book to get the reference. No spoilers here.)
This is the first in a brand new series, so we are learning about a whole new world. I love that Ms. Alexander parcels out the information in such a way that we don’t get overwhelmed or bored. It’s always crucial to the story at that time. Of course this means I spent much of the story trying to figure out what “this” meant or guess what “that” signified. Sometimes I was right, and sometimes I was WAY off base. This just adds to the pleasure of my reading the story.  We are introduced to new races and magic is the order of the day.
Let’s talk about the heroes! Cause in my eyes, there are three potentials and it is not carved in stone who will ultimately end up with the delightfully impetuous Aziza Jane.
First off we have Gregory Prophet. How great is that name? That’s a hero’s name if I ever heard one. Childhood friend of Aziza, he knows all her moods and emotions. Slightly geeky in a hot, blond god way, he is humorous and protective. Did I mention hot? I am not sure I like the way poor Greg is used and abused in this book. He and Aziza share the same birthday and make a game out of dueling birthday parties. I kind of love Greg!
Next we have Brandon. The “giant, sexy harbinger of doom who keeps stalking me”. At least that is how he is described by Aziza herself early on in the book.  I think this big, sexy man hunk is by far my favorite of the three. He knows he shouldn’t want Aziza but he just can’t seem to help himself. He’s supposed to be arresting her, but instead he…well, you’ll have to read to find out.
Last we have Ram, the sexy Jinn who is supposed to be her protector so to speak. He is playful and mischievous, all while being a smoking hot case of walking sex on a stick. Aziza tries to stay away from him but can’t seem to help herself where Ram is concerned. I am not Team Ram. Not at all.
So we have hot guys, non-stop action, prophecies, secret races, murders and a whole lotta magic. I was taken on a wild ride with this book. It is steamy hot and kept me on the edge of my seat, all at the same time. I have so many questions and theories. (Not going to tell them to you because well, you have to READ THE BOOK.) I am dying to know what happens next. By the time I was done reading, I felt like I had been put through the ringer. It just blew me away. If you get the chance to read this book, jump on it.


One last thought: I want to know if St. Dunstans in the East is real. I would LOVE to visit that place. It sounds magical.
Reblogged from Jessica (HDB):

I love this! 

Burn with Me - R.G. Alexander I read it three times. Yes I said three. The first time, I was just so enthralled by the whole story that I devoured it and never paused. Then I had to think about it for a bit. Walk away if you will, because it was so much to take in and I just knew that I loved it. Can’t just write a review that says: I loved it! So after a while I picked it up again for a second read through. Once again, I was just engrossed and before I knew it, I was done.

Reviewer FAIL!

So for the third time I picked it up. This time I stopped and made notes whenever something occurred to me. Like the fact that I felt like I could actually hear Penn (Aziza’s Aunt) talking to me in a posh English accent. I heard it in my head clear as day. Oh and let’s pause for a little cover love! It portrays Aziza perfectly right down to the outfit and the hoop she is sitting in. (Have to read the book to get the reference. No spoilers here.)

This is the first in a brand new series, so we are learning about a whole new world. I love that Ms. Alexander parcels out the information in such a way that we don’t get overwhelmed or bored. It’s always crucial to the story at that time. Of course this means I spent much of the story trying to figure out what “this” meant or guess what “that” signified. Sometimes I was right, and sometimes I was WAY off base. This just adds to the pleasure of my reading the story. We are introduced to new races and magic is the order of the day.

Let’s talk about the heroes! Cause in my eyes, there are three potentials and it is not carved in stone who will ultimately end up with the delightfully impetuous Aziza Jane.

First off we have Gregory Prophet. How great is that name? That’s a hero’s name if I ever heard one. Childhood friend of Aziza, he knows all her moods and emotions. Slightly geeky in a hot, blond god way, he is humorous and protective. Did I mention hot? I am not sure I like the way poor Greg is used and abused in this book. He and Aziza share the same birthday and make a game out of dueling birthday parties. I kind of love Greg!

Next we have Brandon. The “giant, sexy harbinger of doom who keeps stalking me”. At least that is how he is described by Aziza herself early on in the book. I think this big, sexy man hunk is by far my favorite of the three. He knows he shouldn’t want Aziza but he just can’t seem to help himself. He’s supposed to be arresting her, but instead he…well, you’ll have to read to find out.

Last we have Ram, the sexy Jinn who is supposed to be her protector so to speak. He is playful and mischievous, all while being a smoking hot case of walking sex on a stick. Aziza tries to stay away from him but can’t seem to help herself where Ram is concerned. I am not Team Ram. Not at all.

So we have hot guys, non-stop action, prophecies, secret races, murders and a whole lotta magic. I was taken on a wild ride with this book. It is steamy hot and kept me on the edge of my seat, all at the same time. I have so many questions and theories. (Not going to tell them to you because well, you have to READ THE BOOK.) I am dying to know what happens next. By the time I was done reading, I felt like I had been put through the ringer. It just blew me away. If you get the chance to read this book, jump on it.

One last thought: I want to know if St. Dunstans in the East is real. I would LOVE to visit that place. It sounds magical.

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Because of You
Tara Sivec
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